Carla Nickerson

Ghanian-American designer Carla Nickerson shares her story about this fabric she designed just after President Obama’s election in 2008:

Obama fabric designed by Carla Nickerson

“I wanted commemorative fabrics like the ones I’ve seen featuring royalty and politicians in countries all over Africa. After calling everywhere, including West Africa, I wasn’t even hearing plans for a fabric, which I thought was absurd. I flew to Ghana (my paternal homeland) to finalize an online order that I rushed through Akosombo Textiles Ltd., and I got the fabric back here before the inauguration.

When President Obama traveled to Ghana in July 2009, Akosombo reprinted the fabric using an identical color scheme and design. A long-time friend and fellow Ghanaian actress was miffed that they reprinted one identical to mine. She suggested we look into legal action, but I was flattered to see everyone in Ghana wearing my design while the first family was there!”


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